National Indigenous Ear Health Campaign
I&G, as Executive Producer, providing culturally appropriate and flexible support and technical expertise to the media partnership organisations and a management role for Government – complex roles that were critical to the success of the projects explored in the case studies. (Read full independent evaluation report here: Download final evaluation report
Here is Lee Hubber presenting the project case study Voice of the Community, Belvoir Theatre Sydney
The consequences of this burden of ear disease and associated hearing loss in Indigenous communities are significant for education and employment outcomes and, in turn, impact on other health and socio-economic outcomes. Hearing loss can have a significant impact on an individual’s language and speech development. Reduced communication abilities impact on a person’s life chances through the reduced opportunity to have equal participation in education, to gain competitive skills and employment and to participate in relationships. Adverse health effects are also associated with hearing loss. Furthermore, the cycle of disadvantage can continue as international research has clearly established that higher levels of educational attainment are associated with better health outcomes.
I&G’s role as Executive Producer has been to source, support and coordinate the 35 media partners who have been funded to create and deliver media programming, and events addressing the issue of ear disease in their community.
View National Indigenous Ear Health Campaign Media Partners –>
Visit the Care for Kids Ears website — >
The Project Team
Celia Donovan, Project Manager