National Drugs Campaign – Indigenous Media Partnerships
In 2005, the Department of Health and Ageing sought to extend the National Drugs Campaign to Indigenous communities. Through their advertising agency, Universal McCann the department initiated a series of partnerships with Indigenous media organisations on a local level. I&G was engaged as project coordinator.
Seventeen media organisations were involved. Media partners reported consultation with 124 community organisations and health organisations, including 231 involved individuals.
The project generated extensive goodwill with involved communities, trained a significant number of media producers and lifted issues of alcohol, tobacco and drug misuse to the top of the agenda for those media outlets and their staff.
By entering into partnerships with Indigenous organisations the Department was able to take the campaign to places in communities they would never gain direct access to. The project recorded testimony and experiences that a non-Indigenous organisation would not be allowed to record.
The creation of best-quality recordings have allowed the experience and knowledge of others to be shared throughout a community in their own media. The compilation of these segments into a national programming series means that the sharing of experiences and knowledge has expanded well beyond the originating communities. For a copy of these recordings please contact us: Contact I&G
National Drugs Campaign Indigenous Media Partners
- Aboriginal Corporation Enterprising Services (YAAMA FM, Walgett)
- Bumma Bippera Media (4CIM), Cairns
- Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA Productions), Alice Springs
- Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA Radio 8KIN), Alice Springs
- Gadigal Information Service Aboriginal Corporation (2LND), Sydney
- Goolarri Media Enterprises (6GME), Broome
- Waringarri Media Aboriginal Corporation (6WR), Kununurra
- Mt Isa Aboriginal Media Association (4MOB), Mt Isa
- Muda Aboriginal Corporation (2CUZ), Bourke
- Ngaanyatjarra Media Corporation (NG Media), Wingellina
- Larrakia Aboriginal Broadcasting Australia (8KNB), Darwin
- South Eastern Indigenous Media Association (3KND), Preston
- Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association (TEABBA), Darwin
- Townsville Aboriginal And Islander Media Association (4K1G), Townsville